woensdag 9 november 2011

The Process of writing lyrics part two

-By Wilmar-

Writing lyrics has kind of changed as opposed to the old days. When I was in Hexenhammer, I wrote tons of lyrics on various subjects, and the music would be built around that. With Midian and Triplesix, the process of writing lyrics was that the music was written prior to the lyrics, and we tried to match the mood of the song to the content of the lyrics. With The Anointed Word we have a lot of changed territory. First we are straight out of our comfort zone when it comes to writing music. It would only be fair if the lyrics would have been pulled out of the comfort zone as well. So currently I am taking a concept, and to that concept I start to write phrases. In case of the lyrics for Perpetual Machine, I was just collecting phrases that were interesting. In the writing process, nothing else happens, only the collection of ideas, of ways to apply literary figures into the text, like an acrostichon, a metonymia or a metaphore. So for instance we have the line 'General Operating Device'. When you cut that down to the first letter of every word and combine that, you get Him up there... And some of the lines include these little messages.

In case for The Anointed Word, I don't care how long the lyrics are, as long as the message comes across. Since my days with Midian for instance have long passed, also the contents of my lyrics has changed. In between I got a college education, a masters degree and my way of thinking has definitely been changed. Perpetual Machine is in more than one way an attack on religious beliefs. If you read Descartes or Acquinas, you see that they imagine a 'perfect being', and in my opinion there is nothing perfect. Something can come close, and that is a machine. A machine can be repaired, revised, our God will be a computer and our bodies will be adjusted to the perfection of the machine. Of the same branch of thinking is the concept for Organic Singularity, but now in retrospect. If we are thrown back in the way of living of humans about two million years ago, the world would be one weird place, a reality we cannot recognize as a reality, a singularity in fact. The approach for the lyrics of The Dead Are Not Supposed To Speak has been changed from a horror story to a criticism towards psychics. It is a very sceptic song. And thus there are many concepts roaming my mind, that will get the same treatment. Once we have a song that suits the concept, the lyrics will be written.

We could have done this in a videoblog, but then it would be just me sitting around, looking tormented and sometimes ticking a line into a word document. Nothing special there, so we will carry on with the video's next week, when we have the vocal recordings of at least one song ready. That will lead to a new snippet, to a new step in the direction of the realization of the demo by The Anointed Word. Currently I have an idea for a more Industrial/Doom/Drone kinda song, and that will get the proper lyrics as well. No working title yet, but we still got Dreaming The Apocalypse, In Moments Of Morbid Zen and Shapes Of Sins To Come.

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